10 Extraordinary Stocks to Buy Now

By TradeSmith Research Team

Plus, how you can start profiting from a revolutionary new investment software that beats the market 6-to-1.

On Jan. 3, 1920, the Boston Red Sox completed the trade of legendary baseball player Babe Ruth to the New York Yankees.

The trade of the future Hall of Famer changed the landscape of baseball – for generations to come. Ruth transformed the Yankees into the hated “Bronx Bombers” – and made New York the most successful Major League team of the 20th Century.

For Boston, it triggered an 86-year run of futility and blown championship chances that sportswriters and fans attributed to the “Curse of the Bambino.”

In 2004, the Red Sox broke the curse – thanks to computerized data analytics.

The 31-year-old general manager who built the Red Sox into a championship team was a “whiz kid” named Theo Epstein.

Epstein didn’t travel the usual path into baseball management. Though he’d played high school ball, he never played in the major leagues. In fact, with his Yale University pedigree and law degree, he might seem to fit better in a corner office than a third-base dugout or stadium locker room.

Instead of coming up through pro ball, Epstein worked his way up the front-office ranks and mastered the use of data analytics to make great baseball team decisions along the way.

More specifically, Epstein employed “sabermetrics,” an analytics model developed by guys like Bill James, Davey Johnson, and Billy Beane – and made famous by Michael Lewis’ 2003 bestseller, Moneyball.

Thanks to data analytics and a big budget, Epstein helped break the legendary and long-lasting Curse of the Bambino.

The Red Sox won the 2004 World Series. Then another one in 2007, another in 2013, and still another in 2018.

Epstein didn’t stick around for all those championships. He didn’t have to. What he’d set in motion in Boston kept working. So in 2011, he moved to the Chicago Cubs, where he helped build a team that broke another of pro sport’s longest championship droughts – this time 108 years long.

World championships in Boston and in Chicago – both ending generations of futility – thanks to innovative thinking.

In other words: Data analytics works.

Having an “information edge” over the competition works.

Having access to data, knowing how to analyze it, and making great decisions based on that analysis have become business “superpowers” on par with the superpowers you see in comic books.

As an investor, this story of innovation and success is near and dear to my heart. I’ve spent the past 25 years of my life working as a trader, money manager, and analyst for some of the world’s richest people. These people demand – and gladly pay top dollar for – exceptional investment results.

The way I’ve delivered those results is through computerized data analytics by developing a proven, data-driven stock-picking edge and then applying that edge over and over again.

In this report, I’ll show you how stock market data analytics became my life’s work, how I developed a powerful stock-picking system that beats the market 6-to1, and where my system sees a huge opportunity right now.

Investing Goes From The Stone Age to the Space Age

By the way, my name is Jason Bodner.

I’m a Senior Analyst at one of the world’s largest investment research and analytics firms, TradeSmith. I also consult and perform analysis for a billion-dollar money-management firm.

I worked on Wall Street for 14 years, making rich people richer.

Most of my career was spent working in either New York or London for the Wall Street firm Cantor Fitzgerald. As Head of Equity Derivatives for North America, I worked with huge banks and hedge funds to buy stocks in giant sizes.

I moved millions for these big firms. We’re talking about sums as high as $20 million, $50 million, and even $1 billion per trade.

Living the high life as a highly paid Wall Streeter – $2,000 dinners, $500 bottles of wine, all expenses paid luxury business trips – was nice for a while.

But I grew to feel like a cog in a big machine that didn’t put individual investors first. In fact, as someone that spent a big part of his career inside the Wall Street machine, I can tell you it’s geared to fleece the individual investor. My work lacked the meaning I realized I needed and was looking for.

Even though I grew tired of the gilded Wall Street life, I never lost my love of investing and figuring out how to beat the market. And once I did figure it out, I wanted out of the machine.

For me, figuring it out meant using computers to perform massive data analysis projects using the right data.

By now, you know how software and computers have reshaped the way we live our lives.

Over the past 30 years, software has massively improved our ability to collect, analyze, and act on information.

A great software program can help you make smart business decisions, sign digital contracts, move money instantly, shop, connect with friends, find travel deals, get directions, share pictures, talk to loved ones, and get a cheap ride home.

Software is one of the most transformational human innovations because it has massively improved our ability to collect, store, analyze, display, protect, and transfer information.

Healthcare, education, transportation, manufacturing, energy production, food production, retail, banking, you name it… software programs allow us to do it much more efficiently.

Software has allowed us to make a quantum leap in human prosperity and efficiency.

For example, one person running an Excel spreadsheet on a computer can do the work of a million accountants from days past.

And think of all the software-based products and services that save us time, frustration, and headaches:

Google. Microsoft Word. Uber. Facebook. Expedia. The iPhone operating system. Excel. Waymo. PayPal. Airline booking software. Online bill pay. Online brokerages – and more.

The list of things that software does better and faster than us – saving us tons of time, frustration, and headaches – goes on for miles.

This brings me to the financial markets.

You see, when it comes to data, there’s nothing with more moneymaking potential than the history of American stock prices and corporate financial statements.

On any given business day, the financial market is flooded with billions of data points that reflect shifting economic and investing conditions.

You have stock-price moves, currency moves, commodity moves, interest rate moves, earnings reports, and dozens of other variables.

Every time a stock price changes even a little bit, it creates a butterfly effect that changes many other prices.

All that trading activity generates some of the biggest and most complex data sets on the planet.

A NASA mission has nothing on the financial markets.

In fact, if you’re reading this on a smartphone, you have in one hand exponentially more computing power than the guidance system NASA used on the famous Apollo 11 mission that put Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin on the moon.

That’s the mind-blowing power we now have at our fingertips. And given software’s power to collect and analyze information, my colleagues and I set out on an ambitious computerized stock market research project.

We wanted to shift the investing landscape in the same way the Babe Ruth trade shifted the balance of power in baseball. We wanted to turn average Americans into the Boston Red Sox of the stock market.

You see, most individual investors believe the only way to build wealth (i.e., to “get rich”) is by buying great companies and holding them for years – even decades.

But by using all that computing power, that great software, and those data-analytic strategies – we believed you could “stack wins” on those same great companies in the short-term or intermediate-term – creating that wealth much faster, and at lower levels of risk.

At TradeSmith, we’ve invested more than $19 million and 11,000 man-hours developing our market-analysis algorithms.

We have a team of 36 people who write our special software and maintain our data analytics systems.

Those systems run day and night – while you and I are sleeping – to process all that data and spotlight the biggest opportunities.

All that work, all that time, and all that expense is devoted to a single goal: We want to level the stock-market playing field – to give you the advantage that Wall Street has traditionally held in an iron grip.

We want to give our members the data-processing firepower they need to crush the markets and beat Wall Street at its own game.

With this incredible computing power and speed at our fingertips, we embarked on one of the most important research projects of our company’s history – one that could help you make much bigger stock market returns than you’re making now, while taking less risk.

We called our effort “Project Quantum.”

With the help of our powerful algorithms, we conducted Project Quantum with a simple goal in mind.

Determine the attributes of stocks most likely to go up in the near future.

As you know, every public company has hundreds of data points related to its business and its stock price.

You’ve got quarterly earnings, annual earnings, net profits, gross profits, sales, P/E ratios, return on equity, tangible assets, stock price momentum, trading volume, and relative strength – just to name a few.

But which of those data points are proven – beyond a shadow of a doubt – to have real-world, profit-producing predictive power?

  • Is a low P/E the best predictor of future stock returns?
  • Is blazing sales growth the best predictor of future stock returns?
  • How about positive price momentum?
  • Or is it a combination of factors?

Those are the questions we set out to answer.

We wanted to find what really works in the stock market.

We brought no preconceived notions to the project.

No biases. No wishful thinking. No egos to defend. No past stances to justify.

We just let the numbers answer the questions.

What stock factors have the most predictive power?

What type of stock-picking system will give us the greatest profit-producing edge?

What is the closest thing to having tomorrow’s stock tables in our hands today?

Now, let me be crystal clear. I’m NOT talking about predicting the future.

I’ll be the first to tell you that it’s impossible to predict the future. We didn’t chase the impossible dream of predicting the future.

What we did was look for the closest thing to it.

We looked for an “edge” that we could exploit over and over again.

What we’ve found is incredible – and could help you amass stunning wealth over the next few years.

These Data Points Predict Soaring Stock Prices

While many folks think of stocks as blinking lights on a computer screen or hot potatoes to be traded back and forth, it’s important to always remember that a share of stock represents an ownership stake in a real business.

When you buy a stock, you own a slice of that company’s equipment, inventory, patents, real estate, and brands. You become financially exposed to both the company’s upside and downside.

The major drivers of a stock’s prices are earnings (and the anticipation of them). The more a company grows its earnings, the more its shares will be worth.

Stock price trends can diverge from earnings trends for a while, but over the long term, if a company grows — and brings in more and more cash — you can expect its share price to head higher.

That’s an irrefutable law of the stock market.

And that’s why if you’re looking for stocks with massive upside potential, you should focus on the companies with massive revenue and earnings growth.

Restaurant chain Chipotle is an excellent example. In 2006, Chipotle went public at $22 per share and climbed to $50 within a couple of months.

At the time, it generated $820,000 in sales and $41,000 in earnings.

Over the next nine years, people fell in love with Chipotle’s brand of high-quality fast food. Revenue grew more than 447% to $4.5 billion, and earnings surged more than 1,000% to $450 million.

Shares responded to this growth by climbing from $50 to $720 – an incredible gain of 1,340%.

American corporate history is filled with these success stories.

There’s Nike, Google, Disney, Walmart, Starbucks, Microsoft, Home Depot, Cisco, Whole Foods, Amgen, Apple, Charles Schwab, Oracle, Target, Visa, Harley-Davidson, Panera Bread, and CarMax, just to name a few.

These companies grew into industry-leading giants.

But they all started small. And early investors made massive gains on the path of growth.

Huge revenue and earnings growth leads to huge share price growth.

Given all this, Project Quantum focused on how to best pinpoint companies with outstanding revenue and earnings growth.

Our system loves to see companies with big earnings and sales growth over specific time periods. We love the “beat, beat, raise” – beat estimates on earnings and sales and also raise expectations for future earnings.

Our testing has also shown that strong profit margins and low debt levels help indicate that a stock is poised to outperform the market. Certain valuation metrics also influence both profit potential and risk.

Now, I’ll be the first to admit that it’s simply common sense to screen for companies with outstanding revenue and earnings growth, or outstanding “fundamentals” as we say on Wall Street

That part of my thinking may strike you as obvious.

However, millions of investors – almost everyone – go wrong from here.

They stop at fundamental analysis.

They think that’s all there is to investing.

Buy a good company and hold for the long term.

That can work out great, but it can also cost you money and an awful lot of time.

In my opinion, there’s a far, far better way to invest.

There’s a better methodology – a better way of thinking.

This methodology can generate bigger returns with less risk – and it’s the foundation of my system that has been shown to crush the market.

This strategy involves adding something we can call “technical analysis.”

Now, some people think technical analysis is simply reading charts, but that’s wrong and misinformed.

Technical analysis in my system is analyzing the mechanics – a stock’s price action and trading volume.

I learned early on that the most important factor in analyzing a stock’s technicals is something I call “Money Flow.”

Money Flow is just what it sounds like – the study of how much money is flowing into or out of a stock.

More specifically, it’s the study of what “big money” Wall Street investment houses are doing.

You see, individual investors are a tiny part of what happens on Wall Street.

The real movers of stock prices are institutional investors.

Consider that between 70% and 90% of trading volume comes from institutions on most days.

These folks manage large pools of money for mutual funds, hedge funds, sovereign wealth funds, pension funds, and insurance funds.

They are the elephants in the market.

And if you know anything about elephants, they tend to move in herds.

They tend to stampede into and out of assets together and create massive stock moves.

Just one large institutional investor can manage over $100 billion in assets.

So even a wealthy individual with $5 million in assets is a mouse compared to an elephant (in this case, the elephant is 20,000 times larger).

No sizable, sustained move in a stock can happen without the participation of large money managers.

They provide the buying fuel that powers every meaningful stock rally.

Being able to track what these elephants are buying and how much they are buying can give you a huge edge in the market.

That’s what a major component of my computerized stock analysis does.

Early in my career, I spent my days matching up these big buyers and sellers. From that unique vantage point, I learned how to spot unusual money flows – despite their best efforts to do it as quietly and undetected as possible.

My system studies how much big Wall Street money is flowing into and out of a stock on any given day.

It finds the stocks where huge rivers of money are flowing.

It’s hard to overstate the advantage using Money Flow gives you in the market.

You see, purely fundamental investors think if they just buy a good company and hold for the long term, they’ll do well.

But that thinking can lead to years of horrible performance.

For example, below is a chart of 3M, one of America’s top manufacturing companies.

It owns a huge suite of valuable brands like Post-it Notes and Scotch Tape.

3M is an elite company in that it has raised its dividend an incredible 65 years in a row.

Few companies can make that claim of sustained success.

It’s Corporate America royalty.

However, as you can see from the chart, 3M spent the last six years doing nothing for investors. It bounced around from 2016 to 2022 but ultimately ended up going nowhere.

As solid and reliable as 3M’s business is, its stock didn’t do squat for investors.

You should never confuse a company’s business with its stock.

They are two very different things.

Even the best companies on the planet can spend long periods of time going down or sideways.

Take a two-year slice of Nvidia – one of the top semiconductor makers on the planet.

But over that two-year stretch in 2018 and 2019, its stock did nothing.

Apple did nothing for two years – from early 2015 to the start of 2017

I don’t know about you, but I have zero interest in buying a stock in a “good” company – and waiting six years for a return on my investment.

Call me impatient.

I want my returns much faster.

In fact, I want them as fast as possible.

Instead of simply buying good companies and waiting years to get rewarded, I want to generate big returns in 12 months, six months, or even three months.

And the way to do that is to marry fundamental analysis with Money Flow analysis.

Money Flow analysis gets us into elite companies that are enjoying tremendous institutional money flows.

Amazon rivers of money flows.

This single thing is HUGE when it comes to accelerating your stock market profits.

That’s why the foundation of my system is buying great companies with outstanding money flow that drives strong share price momentum.

The Most Powerful Financial Force on the Planet?

On Wall Street, businesses with blazing revenue and earnings growth plus strong money-flow-driven share price strength are said to have strong “momentum.”

The concept of “momentum” in the stock market is simple.

These businesses are typically growing revenue at a scorching pace – often by more than 33% per year.

At that rate of growth, a business grows 4-fold in size after just five years – and 17-fold after 10 years.

It goes without saying that companies with strong momentum are the biggest business success stories at any given time.

They are “super performers” – just as Apple, Starbucks, and Amazon were in their “hypergrowth” days.

Since it’s much easier for a small company to grow at a rapid rate than it is for a giant company to grow at a rapid rate, businesses with strong share price momentum are often on the smaller side – typically (but not always) under $50 billion in market value.

While a $50 billion company is large to you and me, realize that it’s just 5% of the size of a $2 trillion dollar giant like Apple or Microsoft.

As you’ve seen, stocks with strong momentum can go on to rise 100%, 300%, and even 765% in just a few short years – while making their shareholders enormous amounts of money.

The reason why this happens is a phenomenon so powerful and important, the legendary Sir Isaac Newton made it one of his three Laws of Motion.

History of science, concept. Isaac Newton with Apple in hand. Gravity and the theory of gravity. Research in physics.

You probably learned about Isaac Newton’s First Law of Motion in junior high.

Here it is in a nutshell:

An object in motion tends to stay in motion.

We experience Newton’s law at work every day in our lives.

The Earth stays in its motion around the sun.

Our moon stays in its motion around the Earth.

An object dropped from high up keeps falling until it hits the ground.

Newton’s law dominates events in business and financial markets as well.

Here’s why.

It takes an enormous amount of work, time, and energy to launch a new business and make it successful.

But once a great business gets established and attracts customers, it develops a “momentum” that attracts more and more customers.

In our connected world, word of mouth travels fast. When a company produces great products or services, more and more people hear about them and buy them.

Great products and services tend to keep selling.

New customers lead to more revenue, which allows the business to invest in more employees and more capacity, which increases sales even more.

Success tends to breed more success.

The company’s success starts to compound on itself.

It becomes a virtual self-reinforcing cycle.

The business develops momentum much like a snowball develops momentum as it rolls down the hill.

As the snowball gets larger, it’s able to gather more snow, which enables it to get larger – which enables it to gather more snow, which enables it to get larger – and so on.

Eventually, you have a snowball the size of a house.

A successful business creates this “snowball effect” – MOMENTUM, in other words – that can last for months and even years.

Said another way, winners tend to keep on winning.

A business with momentum already has it figured out and customers are flocking to it.

For example, it took a lot of work and energy to create Starbucks. The founders made plenty of mistakes in the early days.

But once they “dialed it in” and really got things working, they could replicate their success over and over again.

Starbucks’ shares gained 42% in 2010. Then 45% in 2011, then 15% in 2012, 51% in 2013, and 5% in 2014.

Starbucks developed a tremendous momentum that made it one of the all-time greatest American stock market winners (up more than 340-fold since going public).

We’ve seen this momentum propel many other huge stock market winners like Netflix, Microsoft, Google, Peloton, Chipotle, Home Depot, DocuSign, Zillow, Apple, Lululemon, Tesla, Ulta Beauty, eBay, and Square.

Once a successful business becomes entrenched and popular with customers, it tends to stay that way.

Investing in businesses with strong momentum is one of the most powerful moneymaking strategies you’ll ever see.

When you buy stock in a company with awesome momentum, you’re betting that a winner will continue winning.

You won’t be surprised to hear that most businesses with strong momentum are businesses that have created hit new products and hit new services.

They create millions of new jobs and a higher standard of living for people around the world.

They have similar innovation stories that these mega winners below have:

  • Microsoft, soared 9,000% during the 1990s as it grew into the world’s most popular computer software maker.
  • Google, soared 4,072% as it grew into the world’s most popular search engine provider.
  • Ulta Beauty, soared 1,248% in the 2010s thanks to its popular beauty and makeup stores.
  • Align Technology, which soared 923% from late 2015 to late 2020, thanks to its innovative teeth-straightening devices.
  • Everquote, soared 650% in 2019 thanks to its innovative insurance rate-checking software.

Stocks like these allow you to turn modest amounts of money into large amounts of money.

Again, they are the “bullet trains” of the stock market. They can radically accelerate your journey to financial freedom.

All you have to do is jump on for the ride.

How the Quantum Score Works

After spending an enormous of time and money investigating dozens of different stock performance metrics, we’ve found there’s no one magic metric that you want to base an entire strategy on.

Instead, we’ve found the most powerful stock analysis systems take a variety of key metrics into account.

To use a sports analogy, we’re not looking for players that are simply “fast.”

We’re looking for players with a combination of key qualities – like speed, strength, endurance, hand/eye coordination, work ethic, character, and intelligence.

We looked for an “edge” that we could exploit over and over again.

What we’ve found is incredible – and could help you amass huge amounts of wealth over the next few years.

Through our exhaustive research on stock quality – how to classify it, how to identify it, and what truly produces investment returns – we’ve created a stock rating system that has beaten the broad market by 6-to-1 over the long term.

That’s a pretty incredible outperformance.

Applied consistently over time, it can allow you to compound your wealth at tremendous rates. It can help you accelerate your wealth-building plans, whatever they may be.

Our stock-rating system takes into account a variety of key performance metrics related to revenue and earnings growth (and many additional factors), plus money flow analysis, and assigns each stock a “score” from 1 to 100.

We call this score the Quantum Score.

The higher a stock’s Quantum Score, the more we like it.

We’ve found that stocks that score over 80 are the real sweet spot where you should focus your time and money.


This stock selection system beats the broad market by 600% over the long term.

Applied consistently over time, the Quantum Score system can allow you to compound your wealth at rapid rates.

When you buy a stock with a high Quantum Score, you’re buying a truly elite performer that big money managers are buying by the truckload.

It’s a proven system based on common sense that can help you rapidly compound your wealth.

Below, you’ll find where the Quantum Score is indicating opportunity right now – 10 stocks that rank high in my system.

Some of these are familiar names, but that doesn’t diminish their strength.

Most are in the Technology sector, which is no accident. My system also ranks strength in sectors, and tech has been one of the strongest of 2023 – even though it gets very little attention in the media.

Please keep in mind: This is not a list of my current “buys” or “holds.” Consider this list as a jumping-off point for further research.

You shouldn’t make any trade or investment unless you fully understand the strategy behind it – and its potential risks and potential rewards.

If you’d like to get my up-to-date buy recommendations – including my three newest buys right now – consider coming on board as a member of my premium research service Quantum Edge Trader.

As a member, you’ll get the opportunity to fully leverage the Quantum Edge system that has beaten the market a whopping 6-to1 over the years.

My proprietary Quantum Edge system found:

  • Centene (CNC) – surged 462% after my system spotted it.
  • Synopsys (SNPS) – soared 847% after my system picked up the right signals.
  • Trade Desk (TTD) – a 12-bagger that produced an incredible 1,100% return following the first alert in my system.
  • Tesla (TSLA) – ripped 532% higher after my system flashed “buy”, even amid a pandemic and some high-profile investors publicly bashing the stock.

By piling up winners like this, my system has outperformed the market by 6-to-1 over the long term.

Talk soon,

Jason Bodner
Senior analyst, Quantum Edge Trader