Author Archives: Justice Clark Litle

This Simple Rule of Thumb Could Save You in a Bear Market

Justice Clark Litle

There is no way around this; inflation at 40-year highs will not disappear automatically, and inflation is now the No. 1 concern and pain point for American voters. The University of Michigan consumer sentiment index fell to a 10-year low this month because of inflation, with sentiment levels comparable to those of the Great Recession post-2008.

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The Federal Reserve Doesn’t Care About the Stock Market

Justice Clark Litle

The Federal Reserve has to stop this from happening, no matter what. That is its most important job. And if the stock market is hurt by the Federal Reserve’s actions, the Fed won’t care. Addressing the inflation problem is simply too important.

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Oil Is a Far Better Inflation Hedge than Gold or Bitcoin

Justice Clark Litle

Are you worried about inflation? Do you seek investments that protect against inflation? If so, you should know that oil is a better inflation hedge than Bitcoin or gold. It isn’t a close contest either. When it comes to inflation protection, oil (and oil-related investments) beats gold and Bitcoin by a mile.

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Three Questions Every Investor and Trader Should Ask

Justice Clark Litle

There is a persistent myth that plagues financial markets. New investors are commonly prone to it — though experienced investors can fall prey to it as well. The myth goes something like this: “If only I could make one big score, one big killing, I would be set.”

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