Author Archives: Keith Kaplan

A Simple Step to Vastly Reduce Your Risk

Keith Kaplan

Before you can trade options for income… or use them to mitigate risk during a market downturn… or trade options spreads, which help you trade a bit of profit for a lot of safety… this is essential to grasp before you can “climb the learning wall” any further.

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How Our Tools Forecast Last Week’s Selloff

Keith Kaplan

People like to throw around the word “whipsaw” to describe markets making big, quick moves up and down. After last week’s ridiculous price action, though, we might need a new word for it.

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How You’ll Know When to Sell

Keith Kaplan

Like you, I went into Saturday wondering whether we’d start this week with an epic bounce from Friday’s selloff… or a second gut punch.Well, we…

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