
April 2024

It’s That Time of Year Again: Quant Ratings on 3 Tax Stocks 

Jason Bodner

Consider this a friendly push to get your taxes done if you haven’t already. It does feel awfully good when you finish. And instead of just using programs and companies to alleviate some of the tax preparation pain, let’s look at a few stocks using my Quantum Edge system to see if any are also good investments… maybe with your refund (if you’re one of the lucky ones). The first two companies are well-known when it comes to taxes. The third might surprise you.

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Beware of These Big Gainers – At Least Most of Them

Jason Bodner

It’s always interesting and fun to look back at the recently concluded quarter to see which stocks really killed it. To be honest, the quarter’s big winners are often stocks I’ve seen multiple times in my quant system’s screens and analysis. Sometimes, though, I scratch my head.

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March 2024

“Why do you do this?”

Jason Bodner

"Why do you do this?" It’s a fair question, and one I get asked often. As an investor, you’re trusting me with your hard-earned money. And it’s something I take very seriously. Wanting to know what drives me makes sense.

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Is a Pullback Imminent?

Jason Bodner

We wrapped up first-quarter trading today (the market is closed tomorrow), and there was a lot of money made these last three months. The S&P 500 gained 10% – a whole year of average returns in three months. I’m happy to say it was also a great first quarter for my personal investments. And most importantly, it was a great first quarter for my readers. For example, our Quantum Edge Pro portfolio shot up a little over 15% in total and beat the S&P 500 by 1.5X!

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Could These Stocks Go Nuclear?

Jason Bodner

The AI Now Institute – a research group focusing on the social impacts of A.I. – estimates that some new A.I. servers could use up more than 85 terawatt hours of electricity per year. If you’re not sure what that means, it’s more than some small nations’ use in a year. Clearly, we need to generate more power. And buzz is growing around nuclear power, but not in the way you might think.

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Is This “Magnificent” Stock Really a 10Xer?

Jason Bodner

Is Tesla (TSLA) a $200 stock… or a $2,000 stock? That’s a 10X difference, which is a ton of money. If you listen to the market (right now), this “Magnificent 7” member is a $200 stock. More like $160 to be exact. But if you listen to Cathie Wood of ARK Invest, expect Tesla to be a $2,000 stock within three years.

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The Data Confirms It: You Need to Be Ready for This

Jason Bodner

I’ve talked to you before about the record amounts of cash sitting on the sidelines. In fact, I just updated my Quantum Edge Pro readers about it today. Some estimates are as high as $8.8 trillion. When we add cash-like securities to the Federal Reserve’s data showing $6.4 trillion in money market funds, it’s entirely believable. This tells me a) that a lot of investors have missed out on big profits, and b) there are huge opportunities ahead as that cash flows back into stocks. I’m not the only one who sees this. Louis Navellier also sees it.

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A Look at What’s Coming – And the Massive Opportunities With It

Jason Bodner

The story of the next decade in our lives and our investing is what I call convergence. Specifically, The Great Convergence. It’s going to be huge. Three megatrends are converging that will change our world and create massive wealth for smart investors. All three pillars are essential to unleashing the full impact of this technological convergence.

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The “Oprah Effect” Smacks One Stock and Boosts Another

Jason Bodner

Like everyone else, I am well acquainted with Oprah Winfrey and her empire of talk shows, magazines, satellite radio, book clubs, movies, a production studio, and who knows what else. She’s so influential that she has an effect named after her: the Oprah Effect. All we need is her first name. The Oprah Effect typically refers to her power to catapult sales into the stratosphere of a book, a business, or anything else she endorses. We recently saw the Oprah Effect in the stock market. One stock took a beating. Another shot higher.

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