
November 2023

Solving the Profit Puzzle Has Never Been More Important – Here’s How I Did It

TradeSmith Research Team

Analysis would be useless if it doesn’t produce the desired result, and that’s where quantitative analysis, AI, and my experience come in. Why sift through the market of 6,000 stocks yourself? I designed my Quantum Edge system’s algorithms to perform a deep mathematical analysis of roughly 129 fundamental and technical variables for every single one every single trading day.

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My Thanks to You… And a Happy Thanksgiving!

TradeSmith Research Team

Now is a great time to relax, focus on our families, and enjoy a little break before the pace picks up as we head into the holidays and the end of the year. I’ll be back in touch next week, and we’ll have plenty to talk about. Thanks for reading. Thanks for placing your trust in me. I hope you have a safe and happy holiday weekend.

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Here Comes Spending-Palooza – What About the Profits?

TradeSmith Research Team

Sales for November and December are projected to hit somewhere around $960 billion, which is about 3.5% more than last year. It won’t be long before we’re talking $1 trillion in end-of-year spending. That has to be good for companies that sell all this stuff, right? Let’s run the three biggest retailers through the Quantum Edge system and see.

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Invest Like a “Dim-Witted” Pigeon – Seriously – For Big and Reliable Profits

TradeSmith Research Team

Artificial intelligence is sweeping the globe. We’re obsessed with the notion that AI can do so many things faster and as good – if not better – than we can. That includes investing. I’ve had great success with AI-like concepts going back 15 years now. So yeah, I’m a believer. But according to a study from Ohio State University, if AI can do things better than we can, so can... a pigeon. At least theoretically.

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Stocks Surge – These Are Your Leaders

TradeSmith Research Team

I think it’s safe to proclaim that stocks have turned. It’s also clear based on my data and qualitative analysis that we should have a nice rally ahead of us to achieve some juicy profits. I mean, just look at the surge in the Nasdaq. Tech has led the charge, and the tech-heavy index is already back to within 2.5% of its July highs.

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How A.I. Can Make You More Money

TradeSmith Research Team

Over the past 30 years, software in general has massively improved our ability to collect, analyze, and act on information. Thanks to today’s smart technology, computers can analyze the thousands of publicly traded stocks almost instantly – to spotlight the one or two “needle in a haystack” plays that will deliver hefty profits.

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I Needed Help Making Money – You Can Benefit From It Too

TradeSmith Research Team

Ongoing technological advancements mean we now have far superior technology and algorithms than a couple of decades ago. ChatGPT, which started the AI craze last October, just today announced a new line of products with new capabilities. For me as an investor, this translated into a better and more reliable way to find the absolute best-of-the-best stocks to own.

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5 Growth Stocks Leading the Charge

TradeSmith Research Team

If investors continue flocking to growth stocks, it will mean that fears are easing, and they are looking ahead to stable rates now and lower rates in 2024. This would be a major catalyst to kick off the end-of-year rally. Knowing growth has led the recent charge, let’s dig a little deeper and look at five top performers these last five days and run them through our Quantum Edge system to see whether they are likely to continue moving higher.

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