
August 2023

Buy Today For Profits Tomorrow – Even in This Crazy Market

TradeSmith Research Team

I’m a pretty mellow guy, so I never throw things at the financial-channel talking heads. And I usually don’t yell about the crazy things that seem to be happening. (Usually.) But I often feel like just turning it off, walking away from it – for a few days or even a few weeks – and tuning back in later to see if the craziness is gone and sanity restored. That would be a mistake – and a costly one at that.

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Five Hot Stocks in a Stone-Cold Market

TradeSmith Research Team

How’d you like to be up 62% in the last month? Dumb question, I know. Any one of us would take 62% anytime, but especially when most stocks are getting tossed around in notorious August volatility. That 62% is the average gain of five stocks topping the list of a simple stock-searching “screen” I ran. Here’s what I looked for, and what I recommend you do next.

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5 Reasons to Invest NOW… Before the Fireworks Begin

TradeSmith Research Team

August is traditionally a lousy month for stocks – second only to September in terms of terrible performance. Then comes the strongest stretch of the year – by far – for stocks. Now is the time to buy stocks for what I expect will be a fun and profitable finish to 2023. This year, it could easily be more explosive than usual because multiple catalysts are converging at just the right time.

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More Rate Hikes? More Like Profit Hikes

TradeSmith Research Team

It seems like the “gloom and doom” school of journalists are shouting louder than ever… desperate to get our attention while we’re off on that last beach vacation. Or moving the kids into their college dorms, in my case. If the negativity ever starts to get to you, do what I do.

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Stocks are a Puzzle – Here’s How I Solve It

TradeSmith Research Team

When I get interested in something, I can get a little – shall we say – obsessed with figuring out how it works. A recent obsession has been learning how to solve the famous Rubik’s cube and its 45 quintillion possible combinations! The answer is the way to solve any big puzzle, including making money in stocks.

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