
June 2023

Your Mid-Year Game Plan: What’s Happening Now And What to Expect Next

TradeSmith Research Team

TradeSmith CEO Keith Kaplan recently asked me to sit down for a midyear check-in: To see what I’m looking for in stocks, and to get some thoughts on what investors should be doing right now. Keith is a friend – and my boss! – so I was on my best behavior. Seriously, though, our talk led to some useful insights about where we are, where we’re going, and how to make the most of it...

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Why in the World Would the Fed Say That?

TradeSmith Research Team

After 10 straight increases, the Fed left interest rates unchanged – the first time that’s happened since January 2022. Yay! But Powell also signaled that we’ve got a long way to go before inflation is beaten, so the Fed said it could bump rates higher again – maybe even two more times by the end of the year. Boooo! So, what do we make of his announcement? And how should we play this with our stock portfolios?

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Will Apple’s ‘Next Big Thing’ Ignite Its Next Big Rally?

TradeSmith Research Team

So, let’s get this straight. First we had virtual reality. Then came augmented reality. Of course, everyone is now talking about artificial intelligence. And today we welcome (back) to the party mixed reality. How do we really know what reality is “real” and what isn’t? Data. Let's see what it says about Apple (AAPL), the company that just made this grand foray into mixed reality.

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Will Apple’s ‘Next Big Thing’ Ignite Its Next Big Rally?

TradeSmith Research Team

So, let’s get this straight. First we had virtual reality. Then came augmented reality. Of course, everyone is now talking about artificial intelligence. And today we welcome (back) to the party mixed reality. How do we really know what reality is “real” and what isn’t? Data. Let's see what it says about Apple (AAPL), the company that just made this grand foray into mixed reality.

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How AI Helps Me Find Winners in “Mystery Stocks”

TradeSmith Research Team

My daily scan of the markets with Quantum Edge turns up all kinds of great stocks you and I may not have thought of – or even heard of before. But the Big Money players on Wall Street miss very little. They’re the folks that make stocks move. When their army of analysts turns up a great opportunity, it shows up in MY system, too – as a Big Money “buy” signal.

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This Stock Zoomed 23% in a Day – But AI Signaled the Rally Five Days Earlier

TradeSmith Research Team

For the last 100 years, just 4% of stocks delivered 100% of the stock market’s net gain above U.S. Treasury bonds. Or to put it another way: 96% of all stocks over the last century failed to beat Treasuries. To find those needles in the global stock-market haystack requires screening those millions of data points daily. In fact, it demands that we analyze the right factors, at the right time and in the right way. AI makes that doable.

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May 2023