Get an Edge This Holiday Weekend with LikeFolio’s Best for Earnings Season

By TradeSmith Editorial Staff

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“Once you stop learning, you start dying.”

The wise words of Albert Einstein echo particularly loudly today. With the stock market closed in observation of Good Friday, some people mentally clocked out on Thursday and won’t read anything about investing until Monday — once trading has already resumed. So, if you’re here now, you’re gaining an edge by following Einstein’s advice.

With that in mind, one moneymaking learning area to focus on today is earnings season.

Earnings are report cards that show whether companies exceed, meet, or underperform expectations.

Stack up all these report cards together, and earnings provide a glimpse into the strength or weakness of the economy.

Earnings also provide new trends to watch — so this is a time when you can make a lot of money…no matter what direction the stock market is moving.

Especially if you have LikeFolio founders Andy and Landon Swan in your corner.

With their vast social-media database, Andy and Landon have tapped into what consumers are saying in real-time about a company.

LikeFolio clues you in to how many people are talking about buying a product or service or planning to buy a product or service, how happy people are with it, and what that retailer’s website traffic is like.

Basically, they’re listening to when and how people are spending money on a product or service: it’s top-level revenue, which Landon says drives earnings reports.

To make sure you’re fully prepared to turn the next month and a half into what could be the most profitable of your whole year, I wanted to round up some of the best resources LikeFolio has to offer.

Everything from their “Earnings Cheat Sheet,” to building a powerful decision-making process framework, to what to expect from a few individual companies; it’s all here for you.

AI: Top Consumer Trend to Watch

With ChatGPT highlighting what’s capable with artificial intelligence (AI), it’s a trend that easily made it onto LikeFolio’s “Earnings Cheat Sheet.”

But the thing is, you can’t just throw money at any AI company and expect to make money.

There are going to be winners and wannabes in the space, so it’s important to know how to zero-in on the winners.

Like the Purchase Intent Mentions LikeFolio found for Spotify Technology (SPOT), which has rolled AI features into its services.

It has clearly moved the needle in terms of people wanting a Spotify subscription, especially compared to its competitors:

Click here for more about AI and how it has inspired more people to pay for a Spotify subscription. Plus, the five other moneymaking trends LikeFolio is watching this earnings season are available here.

How to Make Money Being a Short-Term Bear and a Long-Term Bull

Because we have to make so many decisions in a day, our brain is wired to try and find ways to lessen that burden.

One way it does that — which can get us into trouble when investing — is to operate from a place of absolutes.

A company is the greatest company in the world… or it’s the worst.

This is a company worth buying and holding forever… or it’s one not to touch with a 10-foot pole.

It makes it a lot easier to think about things, but times change, and so does a company’s prospects. So, getting stuck in this black-and-white thinking can ultimately lessen your ability to make money.

For instance, Landon recently featured one upscale furnishing company that could offer an attractive entry point in the future, but he was avoiding the stock heading into earnings, as it has choppy Purchase Intention Mentions.

Landon’s assessment proved correct. The company reported a decline in profits and sales, and the stock price has been bouncing around — mostly down from where it was before earnings.

So, while it could be a company worth investing in eventually and that you can make money from, Landon believed it was one to lean away from before its earnings report, and he was proven right.

Here’s more on how to put that framework of thinking to work for you.

Check Out These Exclusive Earnings Previews from LikeFolio

LikeFolio’s coverage universe tracks consumer sentiment for nearly 500 companies and tracks twice as many consumer behaviors to let you know what’s really happening on Main Street before it becomes news on Wall Street.

Here’s a starting point of a few recent reports on prominent individual companies LikeFolio is covering that you’ll want to put on your radar:

Bottom line: Even though it’s considered an “off day” for a lot of investors, there’s always things to learn to give you an edge over everyone else, especially with the resources we just shared at your disposal for earnings season.