Get Ready Now for the Coming Big Lift In Stocks

By TradeSmith Research Team

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It’s easy to lose focus in a dull market.

The S&P 500 skidded 0.7% the first two weeks of this month.

For investors who’ve grown used to the volatility of recent years, it’s the stock-market equivalent of watching paint dry.

Don’t get lulled to sleep.

We’re actually at a critical fork in the road when it comes to stocks and making money. The folks who stay vigilant and opportunistic will follow the path to big wins. Those who sleepwalk their way down that other road will get left in the dust – and could even end up losing big.

I accepted long ago that August and September are usually unpleasant for investors, and 2023 is following that exact script.

September has actually been a bit more benign than usual. But September isn’t over yet.

There are plenty more chances for volatility to surge – including after next week’s Federal Reserve meeting, where policymakers will render their latest judgment on inflation and interest rates.

But once we get through the next few weeks, all of my data and analysis tells me a “Big Lift” is coming – a powerful one that will ignite stock prices through the end of this year and into 2024.

The leaders – the stocks you’ll want to own – will be the ones with the strongest fundamentals and technicals that Big Money is also flowing into. And those are the exact stocks I built my M.A.P. system to identify.

You want to buy those stocks now – and own them before the next big lift starts.

This urgency is what TradeSmith Editor-in-Chief Luis Hernandez zeroed in on during a recent interview, which I want to share with you today.

The next few months will be one of those rare moneymaking windows – a stretch where we understand what’s about to happen, meaning we can act now to position ourselves to win.

And Luis asked those key questions: Where is the Big Money flowing right now? And what are the sectors and stocks we want to own?

You can watch the full interview above.

We also talked about artificial intelligence mania and whether the big gains have already been made. The answer is no, but the biggest profits will come not from behemoths like Microsoft (MSFT) and Alphabet (GOOG) but from smaller players in other parts of the burgeoning industry.

I had fun talking with Luis – but then again, I always have fun talking about data and making money. I hope you enjoy the interview as well, and that it helps you prepare for the big opportunity coming our way.

Talk soon,

Jason Bodner’s Power Trends

P.S. Luis asked me about an artificial intelligence stock recommendation I was preparing for my readers.

I just recently released that recommendation – a stock my M.A.P. system helped me uncover that is my favorite play on the massive AI boom that has already created $5 trillion in new wealth.

I put all of the data and details in a new report called M.A.P.’s #1 Move for the $5 Trillion A.I. Reckoning.

You can learn how to access it here, and also find out more reasons why the coming months are packed with profit potential.