The New MegaTrends Set to Send Growth Stocks Soaring

By Michael Salvatore

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The internet was supposed to make us all smarter, more informed, and therefore more effective investors.

Sometimes, though, it overloads us instead. There’s just so much information – often from dubious sources that might be actively trying to mislead us – that finding what’s useful grows exponentially more difficult.

And in times like we’re in right now, just keeping pace with the gauntlet of events is a challenge.

The good news is, recent events have paved the way for high-growth, smaller-cap companies to absolutely soar… something we’ve been pounding the table on all year in TradeSmith Daily.

That’s why I recently sat down with Andy Swan, co-founder of Derby City Insights, to discuss how this inspired some big changes to his MegaTrends investment advisory.

Andy uses a proprietary social media scanning algorithm, LikeFolio, to get what’s essentially a real-time read on a company’s most important asset – its customers – and how enthusiastic they are about this brand. And in MegaTrends, he targets high-growth, quality companies backed by positive sentiment and technical momentum.

Check out our interview below, which covers everything from the new MegaTrends… why Andy thinks we’ll see a $1 million bitcoin price by the early 2030s… the recent political chaos and how investors should position for two very different potential outcomes… and more…

Andy agrees with what Lucas Downey and I have been saying here in TradeSmith Daily

From now on, the market is not going to be driven by the “Magnificent 7” stocks. And the flood of dollars into smaller companies is a momentous, long-lasting rotation.

If you’re looking to catch that wave, you should seriously consider subscribing to MegaTrends.

With this data on his side, Andy made sure to include only his strongest-conviction picks in the new MegaTrends model portfolio.

And you should know, eight of those stocks are under his recommended buy price. They’re great growth targets for the slow but sure decline in interest rates that lie ahead.

Go here to learn all about the Social Heat Score that makes MegaTrends so special.

To your health and wealth,

Michael Salvatore
Editor, TradeSmith