The Pizza Meter, a Seven Figure Retirement, and You

By TradeSmith Research Team

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On August 2, 1990, Iraq commenced its invasion of Kuwait. This ignited what would soon become a globally recognized military conflict: The Gulf War.

But the night before, as word came into the Pentagon in Washington D.C., military commanders devoted at least some of their precious time and attention to… pizza.

Staffers had to pull an all-nighter to figure out what was going on in the Middle East. There would be no fighting the D.C. traffic to get home that night. That means no dinner with the family… So, that means a call to Domino’s Pizza.

You might be thinking I’m about to talk about Domino’s stock, outlier investment it is (it’s returned 2,635% in the last 20 years.)

But no.

Today, I’m telling you this story — of pizza deliveries, global conflict, and rogue espionage — to highlight the importance of data… and using it to gain an edge that other investors simply don’t see.

Back to the story…

The Rise and Demise of the Pizza Meter

I happen to know a semi-retired former intelligence officer for the U.S. Air Force who was one of the unlucky Pentagon employees chowing on pizza in the wee hours of the morning.

He remembers the time fondly… But he also remembers the time a Washington D.C. Domino’s franchise owner, Frank Meeks, threatened to expose the inner workings of the U.S. government.

Here’s what happened…

Frank began noticing that 72 hours before a major announcement from the White House, delivery orders to Domino’s would surge in the Washington D.C. area. And those orders came chiefly from the Pentagon and other U.S. government offices.

Sure enough, Frank was dead on. Those pizzas were on their way to government employees who had a big night of geopolitical untangling ahead of them.

But it’s what happened next that’s really interesting…

As soon as Frank Meeks went public with this information, which some lovingly called the Pizza Meter… it stopped working.

No longer did government official order stacks of pizza en masse, signposting when a big piece of news was about to break. My contact says they would stagger the orders throughout the night… or simply order from somewhere else.

Here’s my point to all this…

Frank Meeks had what we in the investment world call an edge. And, in talking about it to too many people — seeking fame, fortune, or whatever else… He lost it.

Whatever he could’ve done with that information, he could no longer do it when he told too many people.

This is critically important to understand as a trader…

How TradeSmith Keeps Its Edge

If you find a technique that works well to make money, be careful who you share it with. The more traders know about a powerful moneymaking technique, the worse it’s going to work.

That’s why we at TradeSmith are pioneers in gaining — and more importantly, keeping — an edge on the market.

Our CEO and expert market technician, Keith Kaplan, is constantly coming up with new ways to trounce the market’s returns — besting everyone from hedge funds, to institutional money managers, to billionaire CEOs.

And we don’t just share those ideas with anyone. Once we find an idea that has an undeniable edge on the market… Something that can grow an investment account leagues faster than any common method… We hold it very close to our chest.

We share it only with the investors we think could make the best use of it… and kindly ask them to only share it with their closest friends and family, too.

So far, we haven’t seen any evidence that we’ve lost our edge on any of our strategies. And we aim to keep it that way.

As just one example, let me highlight one of the most powerful trading strategies I’ve seen in quite a long time…

99% of investors will never even consider using this strategy. But that’s perfect for the 1% who are bold enough to start today.