The Profit Column: This 99% Win Rate Strategy Is a “Boring” Safe Haven

By TradeSmith Research Team

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Remember when the stock market was boring?

Think back to 2017, perhaps the most gloriously boring year in stock market history. Stocks did one thing in 2017 — climb higher. The biggest single-day pullback in the S&P 500 that year was less than 2%. The longest losing streak was no more than five days.

We all know we can’t depend on the market to continually hand us years like that. But we should also know that we don’t need to accept volatility lying down.

Certain strategies, like the one we’ll discuss today, let you ignore the noise and continually rake in meaningful amounts of cash to your brokerage account.

Here at TradeSmith, we call it Constant Cash Flow. It’s one of the most consistent income-generating strategies I’ve ever seen, with a near-perfect record of batting single after single to build up an immense cash pile over time.

It’s helmed by our income expert, Mike Burnick, who does an incredible job of both teaching folks how to use this strategy and mitigating the risks that come with it.

I sat down with Mike for our weekly Profit Column to go over Constant Cash Flow’s 2023 track record.

With a 99% win rate, an annualized return of 79%, and an average gain per position of 3.5%, Constant Cash Flow is so dependable it’s almost as “boring” as a stock market that never falls.

Check out our interview here or by clicking below… I hope you enjoy.

If you’re interested in using Mike’s Constant Cash Flow technique, go right here for a brand-new research presentation where Mike shows you what it’s all about.

Trading like this is an essential skill to learn right now. It helps insulate you from market volatility, keeping the cash rolling in to supplement your income.

All it takes is a little time to get set up, a little know-how (which you’ll get for free with our excellent masterclass video series, plus Mike’s special reports and tutorials), and a few minutes each day to trade the recommendations.

To your health and wealth,

Michael Salvatore
Editor, TradeSmith Daily