The Profit Column: Trading with An-E 2.0

By TradeSmith Research Team

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By Michael Salvatore, Editor, TradeSmith Daily

On Wednesday, Feb. 28, TradeSmith will follow up last year’s first “small” step with a giant leap.

After $18 million in R&D spending and dozens of machine-learning engineers spending countless hours at work, An-E 2.0 is set to launch.

This upgrade comes with a profound level of profit acceleration… and a technique that can take small stock moves and translate them into much bigger short-term wins.

One such example could have turned a small gain of 7.7% into a return of more than 900% over the same time frame.

You may have already seen An-E 2.0’s predictive power in TradeSmith Finance. If you haven’t, check it out now.

While you’re there, be sure to check out the latest trade recommendations from An-E in Predictive Alpha and Predictive Alpha Options.

Then, come right back here and check out the newest edition of The Profit Column with John Jagerson.

John is one of the big minds behind An-E, and a skilled trader at that. Since he started sharing trades that followed An-E’s forecasts six months ago, he’s had just one single losing trade out of two dozen… and an average profit of more than 40%.

(In the video I mentioned an event on Wednesday. But you’re a Platinum member and already have access to An-E 2.0. Again, just visit your TradeSmith Finance dashboard here to see what this upgraded predictive power can do for you.)