The Strategies of the Most Successful Investors

By TradeSmith Research Team

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I joined TradeSmith because it’s one of the most technologically advanced research firms in the world.

Our team has spent $18 million and 11,000 man-hours developing our systems. We have 36 data scientists, software engineers, and investment analysts on our payroll — all working tirelessly to create and maintain our best-in-class trading algorithms.

Together, our team represents centuries’ worth of experience in software development and data science.

We also have world-class analysts with decades of market experience who can help us figure out what should come next.

And now, with the advent of powerful artificial intelligence models, that experience extends to near infinity.

With all this at our disposal, we can create and test investment strategies at warp speed.

We can, and do, test endless permutations of strategies to trade dividend stocks… options… cryptocurrencies… growth-stage companies… commodities… pre-IPO companies — just about anything and everything you could think of.

And today we’re inviting you to help direct our resources and become a better, smarter investor in the process.

Serving the Investor You Want to Be

All this technological firepower is hardly worth much if we aren’t focusing our efforts on the kinds of strategies you care about.

Maybe you’re a trader, thriving in the short term, and you only want to know the best call option trade to place every single morning, knowing you’ll be out of it before the closing bell.

Maybe you’re the opposite — a value investor with a planned holding period of “forever.” You want the best-of-the-best stocks, with all the proof in the world that your great-grandchildren will be grateful for the decisions you make today.

Maybe you’re not interested in the stock market at all, and find the biggest opportunities are in alternative markets like futures, commodities, cryptos, or even venture capital.

We have the muscle to provide for all of these needs and many more. We just need to know where your head’s at and how we can best serve you.

All this in mind, I ask for your help.

With less than a minute of your time, go here and tell us what type of strategy you’d like to see us work on next in the TradeSmith Research Lab.

If you want options-trading strategies designed to generate income with minimal risk, or huge capital gains with healthy risk, tell us.

If you prefer to buy high-quality growth or dividend stocks for the long haul, tell us.

If you want to trade lean hog and corn futures, precious metals miners, or currency pairs, tell us.

If you want to speculate on nano-cap cryptocurrencies named after dog memes… alright, fine, you can tell us that, too. But no promises.

We’ll keep this survey open for the next 72 hours. I’ll share the results — along with a trade idea on the most popular selection — one week from today, Sunday, Dec. 10.

Meanwhile, we’ll get busy in the research lab. We’ll test all kinds of ways to invest in or trade your favorite area of the market, and detail what works and what doesn’t.

We’ll take you behind the scenes and into the research lab and let you know what we’re learning.

Also, please keep in mind we don’t aim to ignore any of the candidates. We consider them all to be valuable areas worthy of close research. We just want to know where you personally see the most value.

As you can see, your participation is critical here. It’ll help shape TradeSmith’s research focus for the foreseeable future and could even wind up inspiring new software features or research advisories.

And as a TradeSmith Platinum subscriber, you already know you’ll be the first to hear about anything that makes it out of the lab and into the TradeSmith Finance platform.

Of course, I welcome any written feedback you have in mind, too. And you can send that in to [email protected].

See you in the lab,

Michael Salvatore
Michael Salvatore
Editor, TradeSmith Daily