TradeSmith Mission

It’s the edge Warren Buffett spoke of when he said:

Anyone who says that size does not hurt investment performance is selling. The highest rates of return I’ve ever achieved were in the 1950s. I killed the Dow. You ought to see the numbers. But I was investing peanuts then. It’s a huge structural advantage not to have a lot of money. Warren Buffet

Think about that. The Oracle of Omaha is telling us that being small is a huge advantage! Being small makes us nimble. We don’t have boards or other investors to answer to. We can take calculated risks with our capital that giant institutions can’t.

So, forget about all the studies that say individual investors can’t outperform the markets. That may be true for those who don’t have the tools and knowledge to make the most of that advantage. But it doesn’t have to be true of you. Not by any means.

Because TradeSmith’s entire mission is to provide you with those tools – and the knowledge you need to invest with all the confidence of Warren Buffett at the height of his Dow-killing days.

It starts with you.

Over the last two decades, discoveries in the field of behavioral finance have won the Nobel prize. These awards address the same problem identified by another famous investor, Benjamin Graham, when he said, “The investor’s chief problem and even his worst enemy is likely to be himself.”

In short, TradeSmith helps individual investors conquer many of the very same problems identified by those recent Nobel prize winners.

TradeSmith began as a simple way to track portfolios using trailing stops, and has evolved to become a powerful suite of risk-management and portfolio analysis tools.

Now, with the introduction of Ideas by TradeSmith, you have the added ability to apply our algorithms and methods to not only manage your investments, but to easily research and find great new investments. And all those tools can be applied to crypto assets, too.

The TradeSmith team provides education and support from our Florida-based offices. You can also find us at conferences and investing events across the U.S. We look forward to serving you!

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