Author Archives: TradeSmith Editorial Staff

Overbought? Oversold? Here’s How to Profit Off Market Behavior

TradeSmith Editorial Staff

If you’re a buy-and-hold investor, you might not spend a significant amount of time worrying about technical indicators. But if you’re able to pay more attention on a daily or weekly basis, I want to show you how to generate a little more income from your extra positions and put more money directly into your pocket.

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When Crisis Meets Innovation

TradeSmith Editorial Staff

Let me explain what is happening with the water crisis happening along the Colorado River and how you can invest in real change to address this crisis.

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The 21st-Century Pearl Harbor Moment

TradeSmith Editorial Staff

Today, many of us already think of the COVID-19 pandemic as another tragedy that “will live in infamy.” And while the pandemic and Pearl Harbor are very different in many ways, one thing is clear. Historians will look back at both as the beginning of considerable changes to our society and economy.

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So This Is Tesla’s Secret Weapon?

TradeSmith Editorial Staff

Today, I want to highlight a few advancements in Tesla's battery storage business and explain why Tesla is quickly maturing into more than just a car company.

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Another Warning Sign in The Market?

TradeSmith Editorial Staff

The central bank is poised to start the processing of tapering its balance sheet. However, the market doesn’t seem to be reacting negatively to the news. But I want to highlight yet another warning sign flashing red for the market. Let’s talk about the Fed, and then highlight this “alternative” signal for investors.

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From Bad to Worse: Alibaba’s Future Looks Uncertain

TradeSmith Editorial Staff

If this is a stock in your portfolio, you need to read the cold hard truth that I’m about to tell you. And if analysts are trying to convince you that now is the time to buy Alibaba… you also need to read this. It’s not time to touch this stock yet. Here’s why.

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