
April 2024

How to Make Money from Short-Term Stock Moves

Jason Bodner

We’re enjoying big gains by owning the highest-quality stocks in the market for medium and longer-term holding periods, but there are smart people – and systems – that can also make money by spotting shorter-term opportunities. Today, I’d like to turn Power Trends over to CEO Keith Kaplan to tell us about some TradeSmith indicators that use data and analysis to better spot these opportunities and earn impressive returns from them.

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All Eyes Are on the Banks, But Here are My Top-Ranked Financials

Jason Bodner

One of the four most exciting times of the year for investors kicked off yesterday as the biggest banks in the country reported quarterly results. What’s that you say? Earnings are confusing… even boring? Yeah, I can see that. But I’m enough of a stock nerd to love earnings season. And I’m enough of a quantitative analyst to want as much data as possible to make the smartest decisions… and make the most money.

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Don’t Let the Inflation Rollercoaster Scare You Out of Stocks

Jason Bodner

Rollercoasters seem to be one of those love ’em or hate ’em kind of things. Personally, I’m a huge fan – of the amusement park ones, that is. But whether you like those or not, we all hate the inflation-interest rate coaster we’re riding right now. On Wednesday, consumer prices rose more than expected. Down we go. Today, wholesale prices rose less than expected. Ahhh… a smoother stretch. We’ve been on this ride for two years now – since March 16, 2022 – and you can see the ups and downs in the S&P 500 along the way.

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It’s That Time of Year Again: Quant Ratings on 3 Tax Stocks 

Jason Bodner

Consider this a friendly push to get your taxes done if you haven’t already. It does feel awfully good when you finish. And instead of just using programs and companies to alleviate some of the tax preparation pain, let’s look at a few stocks using my Quantum Edge system to see if any are also good investments… maybe with your refund (if you’re one of the lucky ones). The first two companies are well-known when it comes to taxes. The third might surprise you.

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Beware of These Big Gainers – At Least Most of Them

Jason Bodner

It’s always interesting and fun to look back at the recently concluded quarter to see which stocks really killed it. To be honest, the quarter’s big winners are often stocks I’ve seen multiple times in my quant system’s screens and analysis. Sometimes, though, I scratch my head.

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March 2024

“Why do you do this?”

Jason Bodner

"Why do you do this?" It’s a fair question, and one I get asked often. As an investor, you’re trusting me with your hard-earned money. And it’s something I take very seriously. Wanting to know what drives me makes sense.

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Is a Pullback Imminent?

Jason Bodner

We wrapped up first-quarter trading today (the market is closed tomorrow), and there was a lot of money made these last three months. The S&P 500 gained 10% – a whole year of average returns in three months. I’m happy to say it was also a great first quarter for my personal investments. And most importantly, it was a great first quarter for my readers. For example, our Quantum Edge Pro portfolio shot up a little over 15% in total and beat the S&P 500 by 1.5X!

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